http://mp4.ma/musiques-mp4-ma/oc ... /mp4.ma_Leaving.mp3
解说词:32岁的亨利就坐在那里,深情的目光望过去,都是自己22岁的影子。感动ING 接着背景音乐Leaving响起。因为亨利喜欢上阿森纳
Ashley Cole Pirès Thierry Henry 海布里的黄金左翼走廊如今一个个都离开了离开海布里,告别了兵工厂。如今的酋长球场内失去了他们的灵魂。说多了又跑题了。

watching the clock on the wall
been a while since you called
i can't help but wait
it's late and i can't get no sleep
something's different this time
it just doesn't feel right
have we broken in two?
am i really gonna lose you tonight?
you come walking in
tears in your eyes
pretending like it's alright
but i know you're leaving
i know that smile
i can tell you've been crying
you're gonna say goodbye
i wish i could stop you
but you've made up your mind
i beg you don't go
but i already know you're leaving
where does the time go?
between goodbye and hello
how did we come to this is
there something we missed
along the way
with your bags at the door
i wanna pull you in close
and hold you once more even though
here come the sleepless nights
here come the tears i'm gonna cry
here comes the last goodbye leaving us behind
oh this can't be right
本帖最后由 阿砖 于 2010-12-21 21:09 编辑 ]