来源:生物谷 2016-06-06 19:55
2016年6月6日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --本文亮点:
近日,来自加拿大渥太华大学的研究人员发现线粒体动力学能够通过调控核转录编程影响干细胞特性及命运决定。这为深入理解因干细胞异常导致的疾病的机制,找到相应治疗方法以及如何维持干细胞干性提供了重要信息。相关研究结果发表在国际学术期刊Cell Stem Cell上。
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Mitochondrial Dynamics Impacts Stem Cell Identity and Fate Decisions by Regulating a Nuclear Transcriptional Program
Mireille Khacho, Alysen Clark, Devon S. Svoboda, Joelle Azzi, Jason G. MacLaurin, Cynthia Meghaizel, Hiromi Sesaki, Diane C. Lagace, Marc Germain4, Mary-Ellen Harper, David S. Park, Ruth S. Slack
Regulated mechanisms of stem cell maintenance are key to preventing stem cell depletion and aging. While mitochondrial morphology plays a fundamental role in tissue development and homeostasis, its role in stem cells remains unknown. Here, we uncover that mitochondrial dynamics regulates stem cell identity, self-renewal, and fate decisions by orchestrating a transcriptional program. Manipulation of mitochondrial structure, through OPA1 or MFN1/2 deletion, impaired neural stem cell (NSC) self-renewal, with consequent age-dependent depletion, neurogenesis defects, and cognitive impairments. Gene expression profiling revealed ectopic expression of the Notch self-renewal inhibitor Botch and premature induction of transcription factors that promote differentiation. Changes in mitochondrial dynamics regulate stem cell fate decisions by driving a physiological reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated process, which triggers a dual program to suppress self-renewal and promote differentiation via NRF2-mediated retrograde signaling. These findings reveal mitochondrial dynamics as an upstream regulator of essential mechanisms governing stem cell self-renewal and fate decisions through transcriptional programming.